Point of Use Support Material & Signage

Impactful awareness signage

Point of Use Support Material & Signage


  • Procedure and technique charts to support Ecolab hand hygiene program.
  • Main entrance and ward access signs for critical point awareness.
  • Wall and dispenser signs and stickers to highlight hand hygiene locations.
  • A range of bright, highly visible posters to create hand hygiene awareness for staff, patients and visitors.
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Product Code Product Description Pack Size Quote
99001119 Dispenser colour coding sticker - Hair & Body Wash 6 pk
99001121 Dispenser colour coding sticker - Hand Wash 6 pk
99001117 Dispenser colour coding sticker - Clinical Wash 6 pk
99001118 Dispenser colour coding sticker - Hand Moisturiser 6 pk
99001120 Dispenser colour coding sticker - Hand Rub 6 pk
HC-00009 Procedure & technique wall charts - Hand Wash ea
HC-00024 Procedure & technique wall charts - Hygienic Hand Wash ea
HC-00001 Procedure & technique wall charts - Hygienic Hand Rub ea
HC-00008 Procedure & technique wall charts - Surgical Scrub ea
HC-00002 Procedure & technique wall charts - Surgical Rub ea
HC-00025 Hand Rub entrance sign (1120 x 560mm) ea
HC-00039 Hand Rub dispensing sign (350 x 300mm) ea
HC-00006 Hand Rub dispensing sign (226 x 300mm) ea
HC-00029 Hand Rub point cantilever (155 x 300mm) ea
HC-00030 Hand Rub sign (300mm diameter) ea
HC-00031 Dispenser point decal (300mm diameter) ea
HC-00032 Hand Rub point decal (70mm decals x 2 types) 2 pk
HC-00034 Laminated poster - Infectious Disease (170 x 300mm) ea
HC-00035 Laminated poster - Update your Profile (170 x 300mm) ea
HC-00036 Laminated poster - Cup of Tea (170 x 300mm) ea
HC-00037 Laminated poster - Watching TV (170 x 300mm) ea
99001139 Hand Rub technique dispenser sticker (100 x 50mm) 12 pk
99001140 Hand wash technique dispenser sticker (100 x 50mm) 12 pk


  • Video
  • Brochure


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