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Terragene Sterilisation Control – Chemical Indicators

Self-Contained chemical indicators for monitoring steam sterilisation processes

Terragene Sterilisation Control – Chemical Indicators


External Use – Tapes and Labels (Type 1)

  • Terragene Cintape self-adhesive tapes have been designed to wrap and seal sterilisation packages, as well as to distinguish between items that have been exposed to sterilisation process from those that have not.
  • The adhesive on Terragene Cintape allows adhesion to different types of packaging and wraps such as cloth, paper and plastic.
  • Terragene Cintape is single use, easy to remove and leaves no residue.
  • The innovative, highly sensitive ink on the tapes are designed to turn a different colour when the tape indicator is exposed to the suited sterilisation process.

CT40 – Plasma or Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide, 50°C, 6 minutes, 2.3 mg/l H₂O₂, Purple to Green
CT22 – Steam, 121°C for 10 minutes, 134°C for 2 minutes, Yellow to Dark Brown/Black
CT10 – Ethylene Oxide, 600 mg/l EO, 60% RH, 54°C, 20 minutes or 600 mg/l EO, 60% RH, 37°C, 25 minutes, Orange to Green
CT50 – Formaldehyde (LTSF), 15 min., 70°C, 1,0 mol/l FORM, Brown/Red to Green
CT30 – Dry Heat, 40 minutes, 160°C €“ 20 minutes, 180°C, Blue to Brown
CD227 – Chemical Indicator, Steam, 121°C for 10 minutes, 134°C for 2 minutes, Blue to Dark Brown/Black
CD27 – Chemical Indicator, Steam, 121°C for 10 minutes, 134°C for 2 minutes, Purple to Green
CD37 – Chemical Indicator, Dry Heat, 160°C, 40 minutes, Violet to Brown
CD17 – Chemical Indicator, Ethylene Oxide (EtO / EO), 600 mg/l EO, 60% RH, 54°C, 20 minutes or 600 mg/l EO, 60% RH, 37°C, 25 minutes, Pink to Orange
CD77 – Chemical Indicator, Gamma Radiation, ‰¥10 kGy., Yellow to Red/Orange
CD47 – Chemical Indicator, Hydrogen Peroxide (H₂O₂), 6 minutes, 50°C, 2.3 mg/l H₂O₂, Purple to Green
CD57 – Formaldehyde (LTSF), 15 min., 70°C, 1,0 mol/l FORM, Bordeaux/Red to Green
CG3 – Three Line Labeler for Sterilisation Package labelling
CD13 – Double Self Adhesive Indicator Label, Printable, Ethylene Oxide (EtO / EO), Light Blue to Green
CD23 – Double Self Adhesive Indicator Label, Printable, Steam, Pink to Dark Brown
CD33 – Double Self Adhesive Indicator Label, Printable Dry Heat, Blue to Brown
CD43 – Double Self Adhesive Indicator Label, Printable, Hydrogen Peroxide (H₂O₂), Purple to Green
CD53 – Double Self Adhesive Indicator Label, Printable, Formaldehyde (LTSF), Bordeaux/Red to Green
CD83 – Double Self Adhesive Indicator Label, Printable, UV-C Disinfection, Yellow to Orange/Red

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Product Code Product Description Pack Size Quote
CT10 Terragene Cintape Self Adhesive Indicator Tape for Ethylene Oxide ea
CT22 Terragene Cintape Self Adhesive Indicator Tape for Steam ea
CT30 Terragene Cintape Self Adhesive Indicator Tape for Dry Heat ea
CT40 Terragene Cintape Self Adhesive Indicator Tape for Plasma/Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide ea
CT50 Terragene Cintape Self Adhesive Indicator Tape for Formaldehyde ea
CD227 Terragene Chemical Indicator, Self Adhesive Label for Steam, 1000 dots per roll ea
CD27 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Steam, 1000 dots per roll ea
CD37 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Dry Heat, 1000 dots per roll ea
CD17 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Ethylene Oxide (EtO / EO), 1000 dots per roll ea
CD77 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Gamma Radiation, 1000 dots per roll ea
CD47 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), 1000 dots per roll ea
CD57 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Formaldehyde (LTSF), 1000 dots per roll ea
CG3 Terragene Chemdye Three Line Automatic Labeller ea
CD13 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Ethylene Oxide (EtO / EO), 750 labels per roll ea or 12 Pk
CD23 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Steam, 750 labels per roll ea
CD33 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Dry Heat, 750 labels per roll ea or 12 Pk
CD43 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), 750 labels per roll ea or 12 Pk
CD53 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for Formaldehyde (LTSF), 750 labels per roll ea or 12 Pk
CD83 Terragene Self Adhesive Indicator Label for UV-C Disinfection, 750 labels per roll ea or 12 Pk

Bowie & Dick Tests (Type 2)

  • Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick tests were developed to control air removal and steam penetration performance in vacuum-assisted steam sterilisers.
  • Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick tests are single-use devices that consist of a lead free chemical indicator, BD test sheet, placed between porous sheets of paper, wrapped with crepe paper with a Steam indicator label on the top of the package.
  • Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick BD125X/1 also includes a warning sheet which contains a circular lead free chemical indicator, which allows an early detection of air removal failures before they appear on the central chemical indicator.

BD125X/1 – Cycles of 132°C for 4 minutes and 134°C at 3.5 minutes with Warning Sheet, from Yellow to Dark Brown/Black, ISO 11140-5
BD125X/2 – Cycles of 16.9 minutes at 121°C, 4 minutes at 134°C and 3.5 minutes at 134°C, from Yellow to Dark Brown/Black, ISO 11140-4
BD125X10/2 – Cycles of 10 minutes at 121°C, from Yellow to Dark Brown/Black, ISO 11140-4
BDA4 – A4 Size, Cycles of 3.5 minutes at 134°C, 4 minutes at 132°C, from Yellow to Dark Brown/Black, ISO 11140-3
BDA4/1 – A4 Size, Cycles of 3.5 minutes at 134°C, 4 minutes at 132°C, from Yellow to Dark Brown/Black, ISO 11140-5
BDA51 – A5 Size, Cycles of 3.5 minutes at 134°C, 4 minutes at 132°C, from Yellow to Dark Brown/Black

Product Code Product Description Pack Size Quote
BD125X/1 Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Pack Chemical Indicator with warning sheet (ISO 11140-5) 20 Pk
BD125X/2 Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Pack Chemical Indicator (ISO 11140-4) 20 Pk
BD125X10/2 Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Pack Chemical Indicator (ISO 11140-4) 20 Pk
BDA4 Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Steriliser Test Pack, A4 Size 50 Pk
BDA4/1 Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Steriliser Test Pack, A4 Size 50 Pk
BDA5 Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Steriliser Test Pack, A5 Size 50 Pk

Bowie & Dick Test Card (Type 2)

  • Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Card has been designed to monitor the effectiveness of air removal in vacuum-assisted steam sterilisers at 132°C for 4 minutes and at 134°C at 3.5 minutes.
  • Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Card consists of a Type 2 metal free chemical indicator printed on one side of the card.
  • The Chemical indicator will change from purple to green when processed.
  • A non-uniform colour change with Terragene’s Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Card indicates presence of an air pocket during the sterilisation cycle, therefore indicating sterilisation malfunction.

BD8948X – Steam Sterilisers operating at 3.5 minutes at 134°C and 4 minutes at 132°C, Purple to Green, ISO 11140-4
BD8948X1 – Steam Sterilisers operating at 3.5 minutes at 134°C and 4 minutes at 132°C, Purple to Green, ISO 11140-5
KBD8948 – Steam Sterilisers operating at 3.5 minutes at 134°C and 4 minutes at 132°C, Purple to Green, Kit
KBD8948X1 – Steam Sterilisers operating at 3.5 minutes at 134°C and 4 minutes at 132°C, Purple to Green, Kit

Product Code Product Description Pack Size Quote
BD8948X Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Cards 120 Pk
KBD8948X Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Kit, Cards + 1 Holder 120 Pk + 1 Holder
KBD8948X1 Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Kit, Cards + 1 Holder 120 Pk + 1 Holder
BD8948H Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Card Stainless Steel Re-usable Holder ea
BD8948H Terragene Chemdye Bowie & Dick Test Card Stainless Steel Re-usable Holder ea

Process Challenge Devices (PCD) Helix Type and Specific Indicators (Type 2)

  • Terragene Helix Process Challenge Devices are designed to evaluate the safe release of the steriliser load, especially for hollow instruments.
  • Terragene Specific Indicators offer a range of Type 2 indicators for Steam, Ethylene Oxide (Eto / EO), Formaldehyde (LTSF) and Hydrogen Peroxide (H₂O₂)
  • Terragene Helix PD provides a Bowie & Dick simulation test to monitor the sterilisers performance, empty.

Metal Capsule PCD for STEAM

CDPCD2X025/M, 0.25 m Long
CDPCD2X050/M, 0.5 m Long
CDPCD2X075/M, 0.75 m Long
CDPCD2X10/M, 1 m Long
CDPCD2X15/M, 1.5 m Long
CDPCD2X30/M, 3 m Long
CDPCD2X45/M, 4.5 m Long


CDPCD2X025/P, 0.25 m Long
CDPCD2X050/P, 0.5 m Long
CDPCD2X075/P, 0.75 m Long
CDPCD2X10/P, 1 m Long
CDPCD2X15/P, 1.5 m Long
CDPCD2X30/P, 3 m Long
CDPCD2X45/P, 4.5 m Long

Product Code Product Description Pack Size
CDPCD2X025/M Terragene Helix PCD, Metal, 0.25 m ea
CDPCD2X050/M Terragene Helix PCD, Metal, 0.5 m ea
CDPCD2X075/M Terragene Helix PCD, Metal, 0.75 m ea
CDPCD2X10/M Terragene Helix PCD, Metal, 1 m ea
CDPCD2X15/M Terragene Helix PCD, Metal,1.5 m ea
CDPCD2X30/M Terragene Helix PCD, Metal, 3 m ea
CDPCD2X45/M Terragene Helix PCD, Metal, 4.5 m ea
CDPCD2X025/P Terragene Helix PCD, Plastic, 0.25 m ea
CDPCD2X050/P Terragene Helix PCD, Plastic, 0.5 m ea
CDPCD2X075/P Terragene Helix PCD, Plastic, 0.75 m ea
CDPCD2X10/P Terragene Helix PCD, Plastic, 1 m ea
CDPCD2X15/P Terragene Helix PCD, Plastic, 1.5 m ea
CDPCD2X30/P Terragene Helix PCD, Plastic, 3 m ea
CDPCD2X45/P Terragene Helix PCD, Plastic, 4.5 m ea

Indicators for Helix System

PCD-A-3.5Y, Steam, 3.5 minutes at 134°C, Black to Yellow
PCD-A-5.3Y, Steam, 5.3 minutes at 132°C or 15 minutes at 121°C, Black to Yellow
PCD-A-7.0Y, Steam, 7 minutes at 132°C or 20 minutes at 121°C, Black to Yellow
PCD-A-9.0Y, Steam, 9 minutes at 134°C, Black to Yellow
PCD-A-18.0Y, Steam, 18 minutes at 134°C, Black to Yellow
PCD-A-E1, Ethylene Oxide, Sky Blue to Green
PCD-A-F1, Formaldehyde, Bordeaux/Red to Green
PCD-A-P1, Hydrogen Peroxide, Purple to Green
PCD-A-3.5BD, Bowie & Dick Simulation Test, Steam, 3.5 minutes at 134°C, Blue to Black

Product Code Product Description Pack Size
PCD-A-3.5Y Terragene Chemical Indicator for Helix PCD Systems, Steam 250 Pk
PCD-A-5.3Y Terragene Chemical Indicator for Helix PCD Systems, Steam 250 Pk
PCD-A-7.0Y Terragene Chemical Indicator for Helix PCD Systems, Steam 250 Pk
PCD-A-9.0Y Terragene Chemical Indicator for Helix PCD Systems, Steam 250 Pk
PCD-A-18.0Y Terragene Chemical Indicator for Helix PCD Systems, Steam 250 Pk
PCD-A-E1 Terragene Chemical Indicator for Helix PCD Systems, Ethylene Oxide (EtO / EO) 250 Pk
PCD-A-F1 Terragene Chemical Indicator for Helix PCD Systems, Formaldehyde (LTSF) 250 Pk
PCD-A-P1 Terragene Chemical Indicator for Helix PCD Systems, Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) 250 Pk
PCD-A-3.5BD Terragene Bowie & Dick Simulation for use with Helix PCD Systems, Steam 250 Pk

Chemdye Type 4 Chemical Indicators

  • Terragene Chemdye Type 4 internal control strip indicators are designed to rapidly show if critical parameters of the sterilisation process have been reached, ensuring appropriate penetration of the sterilising agent inside the package.
  • Terragene Chemdye chemical indicators offer a distinct colour change when exposed, to ensure the stated values (SVs) of the critical process variables.

Chemical Indicator Strips (Type 4)

CD16, Ethylene Oxide (EtO / EO), 600 mg/l EO, RH 60%, 30°C for 30 minutes or 600 mg/l EO, RH 60%, 54°C for 20 minutes, Purple to Brown, Double Strips
CD20, Multi-variable, Steam, 121°C for 15 minutes or 134°C for 3.5 minutes, Purple to Green
CD22, Steam, 121°C for 10 minutes or 134°C for 2 minutes, Blue to Black
CD202, Multi-variable, Steam, 121°C for 15 minutes or 134°C for 3.5 minutes, Blue to Black, Double Strips
CD29, Multi-variable, Steam, 121°C for 15 minutes or 134°C for 3.5 minutes, Yellow to Dark Brown/Black, Double Strips
CD29-AD, Multi-variable, Steam, 121°C for 15 minutes or 134°C for 3.5 minutes, Yellow to Dark Brown/Black, Self Adhesive Double Strips
CD30, Multi-variable, Dry Heat, 160°C for 40 minutes or 180°C for 20 minutes, Dark Blue to Brown
CD32, Dry Heat, 160°C for 40 minutes, Dark Blue to Brown
CD40, Hydrogen Peroxide (H₂O₂), 6 minutes for 50°C, 2,3 mg/l H₂O₂, Purple to Green
CD42, Hydrogen Peroxide (H₂O₂), 6 minutes for 50°C, 2,3 mg/l H₂O₂, Red to Yellow
CD50, Multi-variable, Formaldehyde (LTSF), 30 minutes for 60°C, 1 mol/l FORM, Bordeaux/Red to Green

Chemical Tubes (Type 4)

CD210, Multi-variable Glass Ampoule, Steam Sterilisation of Fluids, 121°C for 15 minutes or at 126°C for 10 minutes, Black Spot, Red to Green
CD220, Multi-variable Glass Ampoule, Steam Sterilisation of Fluids, 134°C for 3 to 3.5 minutes, Yellow Spot, Red to Green
CD250, Multi-variable Glass Ampoule, Dry Heat, 160°C for 120 minutes, 170°C for 60 minutes or 18°C for 35 minutes, White Spot, Red to Green

Product Code Product Description Pack Size Quote
CD16 Terragene Chemdye Chemical Indicator, Ethylene Oxide (EtO / EO) 250x2 Pk or 500 Pk
CD20 Terragene Chemdye Multi-Variable Chemical Indicator, Steam 250 Pk or 500 Pk
CD22 Terragene Chemdye Chemical Indicator, Steam 250 Pk or 500 Pk
CD202 Terragene Chemdye Multi-Variable Chemical Indicator, Steam 250x2 Pk or 500 Pk
CD29 Terragene Chemdye Chemical Indicator, Steam 250x2 Pk or 500 Pk
CD29-AD Terragene Chemdye Multi-Variable Chemical Indicator, Steam 250x2 Pk or 500 Pk
CD30 Terragene Chemdye Multi-Variable Chemical Indicator, Dry Heat 250 Pk or 500 Pk
CD32 Terragene Chemdye Chemical Indicator, Dry Heat 250 Pk or 500 Pk
CD40 Terragene Chemdye Chemical Indicator, Plasma or Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide 250 Pk
CD42 Terragene Chemdye Chemical Indicator, Plasma or Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide 250 Pk
CD50 Terragene Chemdye Multi-Variable Chemical Indicator, Formaldehyde (LTSF) 250 Pk or 500 Pk
CD210 Terragene Multi-Variable Chemical Tubes, Steam, Glass Ampoule, Black Bottom 100 Pk
CD220 Terragene Multi-Variable Chemical Tubes, Steam, Glass Ampoule, Yellow Bottom 100 Pk
CD250 Terragene Multi-Variable Chemical Tubes, Dry Heat, Glass Ampoule, White Bottom 100 Pk

Moving Front Chemical Integrators / Indicators (Type 5)

  • Terragene Integron moving front integrators were developed for monitoring steam sterilisation processes between 118°C and 13°C, by monitoring all critical parameters of steam sterilisation (temperature, time, steam quality).
  • Chemical pellets melt and migrates as a dark bar along the paper wick, through a zone marked as ACCEPT or REJECT, thus indicating whether sterilisation conditions were met or not.

Unique Point Chemical Integrator (Type 5)

  • Terragene Integron Unique Point Integrators were developed for verification of Steam sterilisation cycles between 121°C and 135°C.
  • Terragene Integron Unique Point Integrators ensure an adequate control of the effectiveness of sterilisation processes (temperature, time, steam quality).

EO Two Level Integrator (Type 5)

  • Terragene Two Level Integrator were developed to control Ethylene Oxide sterilisation process.
  • The two level indicator was designed for: Level 1, is the exposure level which indicates exposure to Ethylene Oxide and Level 2 is the integration level, consisting of a purple/brown ink dot that turns to green as it integrates all the critical parameters of sterilisation process (time, temperature, humidity and Ethylene Oxide concentration).
  • The Terragene EO Two Level Integrator mimics the death curve of a theoretical Bacillus atrophaeus spore population.
Product Code Product Description Pack Size Quote
KH2X15-3.5Y/M Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Metal, 3.5 Minute Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-3.5Y/P Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Plastic, 3.5 Minute Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-5.3Y/M Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Metal, 5.3 Minute Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-5.3Y/P Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Plastic, 5.3 Minute Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-7.0Y/M Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Metal, 7 Minute Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-7.0Y/P Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Plastic, 7 Minute Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-9.0Y/M Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Metal, 9 Minute Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-9.0Y/P Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Plastic, 9 Minute Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-18.0Y/P Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Plastic, 18 Minute Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-E1/P Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Plastic, Ethylene Oxide (EtO / EO) Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-F1/P Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Plastic, Formaldehyde (LTSF) Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-P1/P Terragene Helix PCD with Indicators, 1.5 m Plastic, Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-3.5B/M Terragene Helix PCD + Bowi & Dick Simulation Test, 1.5 m Metal, 3.5 Minute, Steam Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
KH2X15-3.5B/P Terragene Helix PCD + Bowi & Dick Simulation Test, 1.5 m Plastic, 3.5 Minute, Steam Bag, Tube + 250 Pk
IT26-C Terragene Integron Moving Front Chemical Integrator, Steam, Between 118oC and 138oC 50 Pk
IT26-C Extender Terragene Integron Moving Front Chemical Integrator with Extender, Steam, Between 118oC and 138oC 50 Pk
IT26-1YS Terragene Integron Unique Point Chemical Integrator, Steam process between 121oC and 134oC 200 Pk or 500 Pk
IT12 Terragene Integron 2 Level Chemical Integrator, Ethylene Oxide (EtO / EO) between 121oC and 134oC 250 Pk
IT27-3YS Terragene Integron Unique Point Chemical Integrator, Steam, 3 minute at 134oC, Yellow to Black 200 Pk
IT27-4YS Terragene Integron Unique Point Chemical Integrator, Steam, 4 minute at 134oC, Yellow to Black 200 Pk
IT27-5YS Terragene Integron Unique Point Chemical Integrator, Steam, 5 minute at 134oC or 15 minutes at 121oC, Yellow to Black 200 Pk
IT27-7YS Terragene Integron Unique Point Chemical Integrator, Steam, 7 minute at 134oC or 20 minutes at 121oC, Yellow to Black 200 Pk
IT27-9YS Terragene Integron Unique Point Chemical Integrator, Steam, 9 minute at 134oC, Yellow to Black 200 Pk
IT27-18YS Terragene Integron Unique Point Chemical Integrator, Steam, 18 minute at 134oC, Yellow to Black 200 Pk
IT27-3.5S Terragene Integron Unique Point Chemical Integrator, Steam, 3.5 minute at 134oC, Purple to Green 200 Pk
IT27-5.3S Terragene Integron Unique Point Chemical Integrator, Steam, 5.3 minute at 134oC or 15 minutes at 121oC, Purple to Green 200 Pk
IT28 Terragene Integron 3 Point Emulator Indicator, Steam, 3.5 minute at 134oC or 15 minutes at 121oC, Blue to Black 250 Pk
IT28-AD Terragene Integron Self Adhesive 3 Point Emulator Indicator, Steam, 3.5 minute at 134oC or 15 minutes at 121oC, Blue to Black 250 Pk
IT31 Terragene Integron Emulator Indicator for Dry Heat, 160ºC for 40 minutes Dark Blue to Brown 250 Pk


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