Ecolab Chemistry Management System
Ecolab’s chemistry management system removes all chemistry from sterilising departments, creating a cleaner, safer and healthier operating environment for employees.
- Ecolab Chemistry Management Systems offer sterilising departments a new standard is chemistry dosing and management.
- There is no need for staff to handle chemistry, which eliminates WHS risk.
- Ecolab’s quick click airtight system on the chemistry drums, eliminates risk of cross-contamination.
- The in-built Lance, dramatically reduces chemistry waste.
- Connex automatic drum changeover eliminates any risk of chemical spill, whilst ensuring continuous supply to your reprocessing equipment.
- An automated reporting system provides remote drum level display, with programmed re-ordering and real time usage reporting.
- Ecolab’s Slim Line 110 Litre narrow footprint drums, reduce storage area.
- The high performance, reliable and no maintenance diaphragm pumps ensure continuous supply from remote locations – saving precious space in the department.
- Ecolab offer a complete system with delivery of the chemistry to the storeroom and collection of the empty drum, which is recycled, supporting our Ecolab environmental sustainability goals.
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